Lettie Prell Online

What Lettie is writing today:

I'm polishing two short stories presently. One delves into another aspect of human experience on the way to the singularity. The other is a piece of social science fiction extrapolating current issues in the justice system.


Recently Published

"Artifice of Eternity," Analog Science Fiction and Fact, May 2016.

"The Open-Hearted," Apex Magazine, Issue #80, January 2016. The issue also features an interview with Lettie. Read it here.



"The Three Lives of Sonata James" is a new short story of Lettie's coming to tor.com this fall, 2016. Watch this space for details!


Also Published

"Baby Steps," Analog Science Fiction and Fact, November 2015.

"The Performance Artist," Apex Magazine, Issue #44 (2013). Reprinted in Best of Apex Magazine: Volume I (2016). Read it here.

"Earth for Dummies," Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, Issue #35. Featured in a StarShipSofa Podcast (2013). Listen to it here.

"Inside Job," Aiofe's Kiss (2010).

“Wherever We Are,” a novelette serialized in Paranormal Underground Issues 3-6, Vol. 3, March – June 2010.

Dragon Ring (a novel) was published in 2008.


Lettie Prell is a professional science fiction writer. She likes to explore the edge where humans and their technology are increasingly merging. She is also intensely interested in the implications of quantum mechanics and a world of infinite potential.

Lettie on Social Media

Lettie Prell is an active member of SFWA

photo by Camille Renee